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Financial Reports

Financial Report Due Dates

More information about Political Action Committees (PACs)


For the campaign finance login portal, go to

The links below will direct you to current candidates, parties, and PACs. Once there, you will be able to choose past election cycles from a drop down menu.

Review the Candidates for upcoming elections, as well as to view and search their Financial Report files. 
PLEASE NOTE: Circuit Court Judges are a multi-county office, and their records are kept at the state, not county level.

Political Parties
Financial Reports for Political Parties which file in Alachua County.

Political Committees
Financial Reports for Political Committees which file in Alachua County.

Electioneering Communications Organizations
Financial Reports for ECOs which file in Alachua County.

Search Reports

This tool will allow you to access records of submitted Financial Reports under our VR Systems software. Look under Candidate Listings below for a quick summary of total contributions and expenses. Leave the "Name" field blank to retrieve all records matching your other search values. Please note, reports do not appear until our office has received the electronically filed report.

Public Records

Records relating to campaign contributions and financial activity are public record. For information about requesting an exemption to public records requests related to information held by our office, please visit this link. and read the entry titled "How can I request that my voter registration information become protected from public records requests?"