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2020 Presidential Preference Primary and City of Gainesville Regular Election

Election Day


Polling places are open 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. on March 17, 2020. On Election Day, you must vote in your assigned polling place. 

Voter Registration and Party Affiliation Change Deadline


The voter registration and party affiliation change deadline for this election is February 18, 2020.

Florida is a Closed Primary Election State, meaning voters may only vote for candidates in the party with which they are affiliated. 

What's on the Ballot?


  • President of the United States (Party Nomination)
  • Gainesville City Commission 
    • Districts 2 and 3
    • At Large Seat 2 
    If you live in the City of Gainesville, you are eligible to vote in the At Large Seat 2 contest, regardless of your party affiliation. If you live in City of Gainesville Commission District 2 or District 3, your district contest will also appear on your ballot. This is in addition to any Presidential Preference Primary contests that the voter is eligible to vote in based on his or her party affiliation. 


Visit the Vote-By-Mail page for more information. The deadline to request a vote-by-mail ballot for this election is 5 p.m., Saturday, March 7


Call our office at 352-374-5252 or follow this link:


Follow this link:

Early Voting


Early voting will be held from Friday, March 6, to Saturday, March 14

All locations will be open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. 

  • Alachua County Supervisor of Elections Office (515 N. Main St., Suite 100, Gainesville)
  • Tower Road Branch Library (3020 SW 75th St., Gainesville)
  • Millhopper Branch Library (3145 NW 43rd St., Gainesville) 
  • Legacy Park Multipurpose Center (15400 Peggy Road, Alachua)
  • Orange Heights Baptist Church (16700 NE SR 26, Hawthorne) 
  • J. Wayne Reitz Union (655 Reitz Union Drive, Ground Floor of the Career Connections Center, University of Florida Campus, Gainesville)


Precinct Voting


Voting at your polling place on Election Day is easy. Remember to bring picture and signature identification. For more information on the types of identification accepted at the polls, please click here. You can find which precinct you are assigned to vote at by looking at your Voter Information Card. Remember to check our website prior to an election in the event there are changes to a polling place location. Visit the Precinct Voting page for more information.

Sample Ballots


Sample ballots can be found by clicking here

Canvassing Board


The canvassing board schedule can be found by clicking here

Candidate Forums


A list of candidate forums for this election can be found by clicking here

Candidate Qualifying Information


Candidate qualifying information for the City of Gainesville can be found by clicking here.

Candidate qualifying information for Alachua County can be found by clicking here.

Candidates, Political Parties, and Political Committees Financial Reports


For submitted financial reports, click here.